Sunday, 22 September 2013

Trick Eye Museum (Seoul), Korea

The Trick Eye Museum is located in Hongdae district at the second basement floor of Homi-hwabang building. It specializes in providing amusements that tricks the eyes into seeing smth else!

The Trick Eye Museum is an art gallery w paintings created using 'trompe l'oel' techniques that gave each 2D art piece the illusion of being in 3D.

Opening Hours - 9:00 to 21:00/ Last Admission at 8:00pm
Holiday - Open Daily
Price - Adults 15,000 won/ Child & Teens (below 18) 12,000 won

This is the location map provided by Trick Eye Museum website. It works very well for me. Just follow the directions provided and you'll arrived there easily! :D

Your journey starts now!

On each of these art pieces, there will be instructions by the side to show you where you should stand and where your camera point should be at. This is to help your photos looks more realistic. 

We sure had a great time. It's endless snapping in there. *tiring

Outside of the main exhibition hall is decorated like the Santorini in Greece. In addition to classy fountains and decorations, there's also the museum cafe, 'Cafe Santorini', which serves awesome organic coffee & other beverages.

Let your trip to Trick Eye Museum be as sexay as this butt :P

You may want to check out my visit to Trick Eye Museum Singapore here. :)


1 comment

  1. Hi there, can you drop an email to for further discussions :)



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